University of Alma Ata (UAA) collaborated with Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Wates, Kulon Progo (MANDAKU) to help developing the e-academic system in the Madrasah. The signing of the MOU was held in the K.H. Abdullah Masduqi Theater Room on March 13, 2019 by the President of the Alma Ata University, Prof. Dr. H. Hamam Hadi, Ms. Sc.D., Sp.GK and Head of MAN 2 Wates, Anita Isdarmin, S.Pd, M.Hum, witnessed by the Head of the DIY Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion.
The signing of this collaboration text is the embodiment of one of the university’s visions to be able to participate in developing the welfare of the nation. The collaboration which will include the construction of a digital-based academic system (E-Academic) has been initiated and will be inaugurated in conjugation with the inauguration of the new MAN 2 Wates building, which will be carried out by the Director General of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic Indonesia in July 2019.
With this e-academic system, Prof. Hamam hopes that academic management systems for both madrasa administration and teacher careers can be carried out faster, more effectively and more accurately. Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Religion, the Head of the DIY Province Ministry of Religion stated that his highest appreciation for the Alma Ata University which had participated in helping MAN 2 Wates in its development as an excellent Madrasa in Kulon Progo district. Furthermore, he hopes that other Madrasah in Yogyakarta can establish similar cooperation with UAA in the near future.