Alma Ata University (AAU) signed a collaboration with several abroad universities at the Global Summit of University Leaders in Malang.

Alma Ata University (AAU) signed a collaboration with several abroad universities at the Global Summit of University Leaders in Malang.

Conducted together with the “Declaration to Sustain Humanity, Global Summit of University Leaders” at Malang Islamic University on 27-28 March 2019, AAU signed collaboration documents with foreign universities from various countries. This event is also a meeting of university leaders who are members of the University affiliated with Nahdratul Ulama with leaders of foreign universities such as Rajamanggala University-Thailand, Dong Hwa University-Taiwan, Tarlaq University-Philippines, Moscow City University-Russia, and still much more.

The signing of this collaboration is one manifestation of the university’s vision to be able to contribute to world civilization. Stated by Alma Ata University President, Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi, MS. Sc.D. Sp.GK, through the addition of these foreign cooperation links, AAU has continuously fostered and improved collaborative activities with abroad partners such as students’ exchange, join degree, lecturer capacity development, joint seminars, and the like.

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