To implementation one of Alma Ata University’s vision to advance its contribute to the development of the welfare of the Indonesian people and world civilization, the Faculty of Health Sciences at Alma Ata University held an international seminar entitled The 1st Asia-Pacific Partnership on Health and Nutrition Improvement Conference (APHNI) on the 3rd October 2019. This seminar is the result of collaboration with several UAA partners from within and outside the country including Boromarajonani College of Nursing Napparat Vajira (BCNNV), Thailand which is also became the co-hosting partner of this seminar.
Present as speakers were Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi from Alma Ata University, Prof. Joel Gittelsohn from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA – which is part of the collaboration with the World Class Professor (WCP) program, UAA -, Prof. Wan Mannan from USM, Malaisia, Dr. Chiraporn Worawong from BCNNV Thailand and Dr. Megan F. Liu from Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. This seminar was also attended by domestic speakers such as the Director of PPSDM Ministry of Health and Representatives from other Ministry of Health.
Higher complexity of health problems in the world range from epidemics that can be prevented by vaccines such as measles and diphtheria, increasing reports of drug-resistant pathogens, increasing rates of obesity and lack of physical activity to the health effects of environmental pollution and climate change and various humanitarian crises (WHO , 2019) became the spirit and basic ideas of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Alma Ata University to move by carrying out capacity building of health workers and prospective health workers in this country in particular and the Asia-Pacific area in general.
“The results of this seminar are expected to be able to become a benchmark for the next seminar activities that may be held by Alma Ata University’s partners in other Asia-Pacific countries,” said Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi on the sidelines of his remarks for the opening of the seminar.