The Nationality Dialogue and Communal Fasting Break with Alma Ata University “A Momentum to Build New Indonesian Resolutions”
Alma Ata University held a Nationality Dialogue and Peace Appeal on May 29th, 2019 as a form of concern...
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Alma Ata University in Collaboration with Kemenristekdikti Held a National Seminar on Distance Education
Presenting speakers from Kemenristek Dikti and the Chancellor of the open University, Alma Ata University (UAA) held a national...
Alma Ata University cooperates with MAN 2 Wates Kulon Progo as a Madrasa Benefaction
University of Alma Ata (UAA) collaborated with Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Wates, Kulon Progo (MANDAKU) to help developing...
Alma Ata University (AAU) signed a collaboration with several abroad universities at the Global Summit of University Leaders in Malang.
Conducted together with the “Declaration to Sustain Humanity, Global Summit of University Leaders” at Malang Islamic University on 27-28...