Alma Ata University held a Nationality Dialogue and Peace Appeal on May 29th, 2019 as a form of concern for the debate which was marked by demonstrations and riots after the announcement of the presidential and vice presidential election results by the KPU. Held together with the soft launching of the new UAA Admission building called the Harun Ar-Rasyid Building, this nationality dialogue was presented by Prof. DR. Mahfud, MD., former chief of Indonesian Constitutional Court and Dr. Abdul Gaffar Karim, political observer from UGM.
The president of the Alma Ata University, Prof. Dr. H. Hamam Hadi, Ms.SC.D., Sp.GK appealed to all members of the nation especially those who contested to refrain from the results currently being processed and will be decided by the constitutional court. Attending the event were UGM President Panut Mulyono, UNU Yogyakarta President Purwo Santoso, UIN Sunan Kalijaga President Yudian Wahyudi and other universities’ leaders in Yogyakarta.
“Pak Prabowo is appealing to the Constitutional Court Consultation. It should be noted that whatever will be decided by the Constitutional Court, the results of the Court’s decision are final. This means that after the Court decides to win one of the President and Vice President pair, the results of the decision must be obeyed and can no longer be disturbed.” Said the BPIP steering board, Prof. Mahfud, MD. A calls for peace were pronounced together after the nationality dialogue. Following are the calls for peace from Alma Ata the University:1. Keep maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation.2. Refrain from issuing statements that can worsen the atmosphere and create controversy in the community.3. Use peaceful and constitutional means to respond to dissatisfaction with the results of the election.4. Receive and comply with any decision from the Constitutional Court as a state institution authorized to make decisions and must be upheld by its honor.5. Develop and implement a democratic, modern and ethical Indonesian system.6. Stop the desire to produce, disseminate or follow hoax news because it can undermine civilization and threaten the unity and unity of the Indonesian people.7. Reconcile and unite steps to build a new Indonesia under the leadership of the elected President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia