
The Name and Place of Residence

  1. This college is named Universitas Alma Ata, hereinafter referred to as UAA.
  2. University of Alma Ata is domiciled in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Characteristics and Characteristics

  1. The University of Alma Ata is based on Pancasila as the ideological foundation and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as a constitutional foundation.
  2. Universitas Alma Ata has Islamic faith according to the Ahlussunnah understanding of An-Nahdliyah.
  3. Besides developing the Tridarma of Higher Education, the University of Alma Ata also developed Da’wah Islamiyah.


  • The symbolic shape of the University of Alma Ata consists of 2 letter A (beam) which intersects each other so as to form a building that has four pillars and two peaks.
  • The globe in the second slice of the letter A.
  • The Iqro ‘bismirobbik sentence is in the form of Arabic calligraphy which is located above the second letter A (beam).
  • Nine stars stretching horizontally under the second letter A.
  • The crest of the book is located under nine stars.
  • A dome-shaped frame that covers components a, b, c, d, and e.
  • Symbol color:
  • The base color is Blue
  • White for two letters A, Iqro calligraphy, globe, nine stars and inner frame.
  • Blue for Iqro bismirobbik writing on the component of calligraphy
  • Golden yellow color for the color of the book and the outer frame. Picture the symbol of the University of Alma Ata as a whole as follows:
    Logo Univesitas Alma Ata Yogyakarta

Symbol Meanings:

  • The two letters A form a building with four pillars symbolizing the nature of the Prophet Muhammad; Sidiq, Amanah, Tabligh, Fathonah.
  • Iqro ‘bismirobbik calligraphy symbolizes the call for the entire Academic Community of Alma Ata to read, explore and utilize Science and Technology with the intention of glorifying the name of Allah SWT.
  • The two summits of the meeting of letter A represent two sources of knowledge, namely the verses of Qauliah and Kauniah.
  • The World Ball in the circle symbolizes Science and Technology which was explored and developed by the University of Alma Ata from the two sources of knowledge mentioned above can be a blessing for all nature.
  • Nine Stars symbolizes Aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah Annahdliyah
  • The book symbolizes the call for all Science and Techniques to be documented in the form of books and other scientific works.
  • The dome-shaped frame symbolizes all of the aforementioned endeavors with the ultimate aim of resolving Allah SWT.

The University of Alma Ata emblem was created and inaugurated in 2016.


Alma Ata University has a flag consisting of the University Alma Ata flag.

  1. Shape of Flag Flag of University Alma Ata is rectangular with a ratio of length: width is 1.5: 1.
  1. Fill in the flag
    • In the middle of the University of Alma Ata flag, there is the symbol of the University of Alma Ata with the writing of the University of Alma Ata under the symbol.
    • In the middle of the Faculty flag, there is the symbol of the University Alma Ata and the name of the Faculty in question which is written under the symbol of the University of Alma Ata.
  2. Flag Base Color
    1. The basic color of the University Alma Ata flag:
      Blue sky (0000FF)
    2. The color of the flag of the Faculty of Health Sciences:
      Dark green (008000)
    3. The color base of the Faculty of Computer Science flag:
      Blue Langit (0000FF)
    4. The colors of the Faculty of Economics and Business flag base:
      Orange (FFA500)
    5. The base color of the Teacher Training and Education Faculty flag:
      Moss green (ADFF2F)
    6. The colors of the base of the Faculty of Islamic flag:
      Light green (00FF00)

Official Song

The official Alma Ata song is the Alma Ata and Mars Alma Ata

  1. Hymn of the University of Alma Ata with the title Ikrar syair written by Hamam Hadi; Arransement by Taryadi was inaugurated on March 3, 2006 in Yogyakarta
  2. Mars Alma Ata with the title because-MU Syair was written by Hamam Hadi; Arransement by Taryadi; was inaugurated on March 3, 2006 in Yogyakarta

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