Along with the Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Birthday, Alma Ata Celebrates Its 4th Anniversary by carrying out the night of Mujahadah and Khataman Al-Quran.

Along with the Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Birthday, Alma Ata Celebrates Its 4th Anniversary by carrying out the night of Mujahadah and Khataman Al-Quran.

Alma Ata University has just held a memorial night for the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW on November 8, 2019 by holding a Mujahadah night at the Green Land of Alma Ata University. The anniversary for both the Foundation and University is not coincided to be held at the same date with the Prophet’s birthday. It is actually designed by the founder of Alma Ata. If the new Alma Ata University commemorates its 4th birthday, the Alma Ata Foundation which had already been born has celebrated its 19th birthday. Also included in this ceremony is the 16th Haul of KH Abdulloh Masduqi, one of the founders of the Alma Ata Foundation.


The Rector of Alma Ata University, Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi, MS., Sc.D., Sp.GK in his remarks explained that it was no accident that the Foundation and the University of Alma Ata were determined to be born simultaneously with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, SAW. Alma Ata had great hopes, since its set up, to be able to be a light as well as the presence of the Prophet Muhammad SAW for all mankind in the world. Therefore, Alma Ata in its essence means Aliman Ata, that is, present with knowledge, act with knowledge and be an inspiration for all humanity.


After previously being distributed questionnaires to the university academic community, and carried out a final assessment by the leadership of the university, on the sidelines of the Mujahadah activities, announced by the Rector the best Study Programs at Alma Ata University. Bachelor of Nutrition Department won the best study program title referring to their success of getting A Accreditation from LAM PTKes National Accreditation. Meanwhile, the Bachelor of Hospital Administration Study Program won the second best study program based on the total value of both the questionnaire and the leadership evaluation. Symbolically handed over coaching money to the both Study Programs at the end of the program.


The Commemoration of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the 16th Haul of KH Abdulloh Masduqi, the 19th Anniversary of Alma Ata Foundation and the 4th Anniversary of Alma Ata University ended up with cutting the Tumpeng cone and closed with a prayer by the head of the Alma Ata Foundation, Mrs. H. Ida Rufaida Ali.

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