The Administration Center functions to support the UAA leadership’s policy in managing and carrying out Academic and non-Academic activities. Each Administration Center is led by a Director / Head with their respective functions, including:

  • The Secretary of the University as an administrative center related to university level awareness.
  • Academic as the administrative center of academic related activities.
  • Admission as an administrative center for new student admissions.
  • Student affairs as an administrative center for alumni and career alumni
  • LPPM as the administrative center of research and community service institutions.
  • KJM or the Office of Quality Assurance as the administrative center of the university’s quality assurance.
  • Aswaja Center as an administrative center to ensure the application of Islam in the Alma Ata environment in accordance with Islam Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’ah.
  • HR as the center of human resource administration.
  • Finance Bureau as the center of financial administration.

Khanif Maksum, M.Pd.i ( Sekretaris Universitas)

Khanif Maksum, M.Pd.i.
University Secretary


Ruwet Rusiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Academic Director
Ahmad Yunadi, S.E.,MA ( Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis)
Dr (Cand.) Ahmad Yunadi, S.E.,MA.

Yulinda Kurniasari, S.Gz., MPH.
Student Director

Arantika Meidya Pratiwi, SST., M.Kes
Head of Quality Assurance Office

Dr (Cand) Daru Estiningsih, Sc., Apt

Head of LP2M

Ahmad Anis Abdullah, M.Sc.

Director of the Aswaja Center


Ridho ASatria Harahap, S.I.Kom., MBA

Director of Resources

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