Alma Ata University in Collaboration with Kemenristekdikti Held a National Seminar on Distance Education

Alma Ata University in Collaboration with Kemenristekdikti Held a National Seminar on Distance Education

Presenting speakers from Kemenristek Dikti and the Chancellor of the open University, Alma Ata University (UAA) held a national seminar on distance learning. In order to realize the vision of the university or not to become a superior university, Alma Ata University held a seminar on the efficiency of the online learning system (SPADA) by directly presenting the Learning Director of Kemenristek Dikti, Paris … and Prof. Dr. Ojat Darojat Chancellor is open.

Presented by the university Chancellor Alma Ata, Prof. Dr. Hamam Hadi, Ms. Sc.D., Sp.GK in his speech, the online learning system will be able to be at least a supplement for the implementation of education which is constrained by space and distance. With this learning concept, UAA can carry out learning that has already had enthusiasts such as professionals who have worked full time but still want to continue their education at a higher level. 50% of face-to-face meetings that cannot be represented by online learning, and the remaining 50% are conducted online or what is called Hybrid learning is a system that is currently possible to be applied in public universities. Tells about the experience of conducting SPADA-based lessons,

Prof. Dr. Ojat Darojat, the online learning system does require a high investment value system, but when it is running, this system saves a lot of physical space. In the end, this learning is able to provide better economic value both in terms of implementation and the side of student tuition fees. This was agreed by Dr. Paris. He added that this lesson was very possible to apply at the university. The implementation is not difficult and has been covered by implementing laws. However, the organizers must maintain product quality, both lecture material and supporting systems.

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